Tuesday 19 February 2013

Music magazine draft 2 InDesign

The second draft shows colour change on the banner, a subsidary image added (will be resized etc later) and a headline added.

Monday 18 February 2013

Magazine front cover first draft using InDesign

The first draft, I think is quite good, it shows signs of a real music magazine, huge potential

Sunday 17 February 2013

Music magazine front cover, drawn draft 1

This is my first drawn draft of my magazine front cover, as you can see, the masthead is big, bold and easy to read and would drawn attention to  potential customers, I will probably change a few of the coverline stories around and reposition a few things, however.

I aim to finish the whole front cover by Friday the 22nd Feb.

Some images I'm going to use throughout the magazine...

Highly edited photo, background taken out, the people have been re-positioned, could be used for a front cover image

Unedited version of the first image, would work as article page image

Unedited, possible article image

Similar to 3rd image, possible article photo

Unedited, could be use as subsidiary image on contents page

Unedited, could be used as a small photo or subsidiary image on the contents page

Similar to previous image, could be used on the contents page