Monday 25 March 2013

Article draft 4, possible final draft

for the fourth draft I've re-positioned the title, making it fit better on the page, added a title onto the second page, and changed around the position of the subsidiary image and heading for that. I've also added  page numbers and logos and credits on the image.

Article draft 3

for my third draft I've changed the image, added a title and added a title to the subsidiary image, whilst also changing the position of the text

Article draft 2

For my second draft I've added in a background colour, black, and added a subsidiary image to the second page, and also changed the colours of the text and added sub headings.

Article draft 1

for my first draft i have added the photo and the text, after doing this I can see that it all fits in well, and there isn't too much text.

Friday 8 March 2013

Music magazine front cover draft 5, possible final draft.

For the 5th draft I have added more coverlines and touched up on the position of some things, I think this could be my final draft and finished front cover.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Music magazine draft 4

For the fourth draft, i've decided to take out  the subsidiary image, I've started to add coverlines and experiment with different colour schemes. Nearing completion, I need to make sure this is finished fast in the coming weeks so I can start other areas of the magazine...

Music magazine front cover draft 3

For the third draft I've decided to re-position the subsidary image, and move the headline a little. No major changes.