Monday 17 December 2012

What I've learnt

From spending a few months on analysis, mock ups of other magazines, then actually producing our own, I have realized it requires a HUGE amount of thinking and working to get up to the professional level, I have learnt how important it is to have the structure of a front page, well organised, and have the main image stand out to draw customers. I have learnt how colour schemes match, and perhaps not match.

From all of this I have also learnt a lot of in depth analysis about some of my favourite magazines, Kerrang! being one of them. I have learnt how most rock magazines follow the same colour scheme of red,white and black, and how magazines such as rock/metal differ from other genres in both main image and design of front page, pop magazines, for example have more clean cut, images of 'stars' on the front.

Kerrang magazine mock-up final draft

I think I've approached the mock up quite well, I could of taken a better picture, as I haven't re-created the background very well, but the main image of the male is pretty good, I couldn't do the other images because of lack of time. The main image instantly drags the reader into the front cover, which is positive. Where'as the masthead and coverlines are easily read. If I were to repeat something like this I'd touch up up the image and attempt to make it as close to the original as possible.

Kerrang! magazine mockup - draft 1

For my first draft, I have, in my opinion, tackled the front cover quite well, I think I've got the 'Asking Alexandria' part quite similar to the original, the masthead was hard to re-create as Kerrang! must use a unique font for it, and I couldn't find one similar in inDesign.

Chosen mock up magazine

This is my chosen magazine to mock up, admittedly, it was a terrible choice as it has lots of subsidiary images, the main image has a tricky background to re-create and there is alot of coverlines.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Reader Profile

The reader of my magazine will be in the age of 14-21, 65% male,  interested in metal/rock and it's subgenres,

The reader will listen to mostly contemporary music but may look back at the 'classics' such as Iron maiden, Metallica, Nirvana etc for inspiration and a sense of music from the past. The reader will be interested in live gigs and attend one at least once a month/whether it be local or national, and will buy music regularly, whether it be hard copy (cd/vinyl) or MP3 format (itunes, amazon mp3 etc) (at least 2 albums a month)

Sunday 9 December 2012

Mission statement

The music magazine I'm hoping to create will focus on the age group of 14-21, being interested in both rock and metal, the reader of the magazine will also be interested in the actual bands life, rather than just the music, and will also be interested in the live aspect of the genre,

The content of the magazine will include things like unsigned/underground new bands to check out, advice/opinions on which music to buy, readers and critics opinions, advice/opinions on what gigs to attend

The tone and attitude of the magazine will be of the general rock music magazine layout, using the colours, red, black and white, also, will offer promotions and chances to win merch and gig tickets of bands being featured.