Friday 18 January 2013

Audience analysis/research

To gain opinions other than my own, I conducted an online survey from 'SurveyMonkey'

Here are the results (Printscreens) 10 people were surveyed

3 images on the front cover is what 40% of people voted, and also the highest vote, so I will use 1 main image and 2 smaller images

For the contents page, people believed more images should be used, with not one response favoring one image, however, 40% with the highest vote, favored 2 images, I personally though might go for around 3/4 with one main image and some subsidiary images.

Again people favored 2 images for the article page, with 30% of the respondents choosing this option

For the age group, staggeringly the majority or respondents were aged between 14-16 (70%)

For the name of the magazine, a few choices were given personally my favorites were "mosh!" and "drop tuning". As they both acquired the highest votes "with mosh! winning by 20% and drop tuning in joint second" I'm still unsure on which to choose. 

finally, I was shocked to see the participants being equal with 50/50, I expected a more male dominated survey.

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